Friday, June 6, 2008

She is just the cutest!!!

This is my cousin's daughter, Taylor. I want to keep her.
I don't think she gets enough love. She's the middle child. Her older sister is mommies first, with the cute little banana curls and big expressive eyes... basically all around adorable for a 3 year old. Her little brother is...well, a boy... daddies little man and grandpa's namesake... the baby. Then there's Taylor, stuck in the middle... nothing special in her own right, not as cute as her adorable older sister and no longer the baby everyone dotes over.
She's overlooked and I just want to love on her everytime she comes over... hug her, pick her up and carry her, play with her, sing to her (she likes My Girl by the Temptations), listen to her babble about whatever she's pointing at (which is actually really amusing because you can' understand a word she says)...
She's in the same situation my cousin Brandy was in when she was little, the middle child with a beautiful older sister and a baby brother, over looked, nothing special, didn't recieve the love she needed. I saw what Brandy went through, and I don't want Taylor to suffer the same things. Oh, God, just love on Taylor. Be near to her, now and as she grows up let her know that she is loved and that you do not overlook her. Let her know that she is special in your eyes. Draw her near to you, capture her heart and hold on to it.

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