Thursday, September 18, 2008

So what happens in this video sort of happened to me on Monday...

Not exactly like that though... I wasn't struggling to keep up, the treadmill just lurched forward in an amazing rush of speed, and it happened so quickly that I just fell on my face, and then the treadmill spit me off.

I had three initial thoughts run through my mind.

OMG, What just happened
OMG, I can't believe that just happened.
Hehe, that's going to make a great story!

I got a little banged up from it. I'm not going to bother turning the picture.

My pride was bruised more than my body was, but I think it's hilarious

I got a bit of a blessing today. I only have two pairs of shoes. The first pair completely fell apart, so I've been wearing the second pair, which are my water shoes, which are starting to wear down and get holes in them. I can't buy a new pair of shoes until I get paid on the 30th, which is a long ways away when you don't have shoes that keep your feet dry.

But one of my friend, Gia, got a package in the mail from a friend. Her friend sent her $20 dollars with a note that said to spend $5 on her self and to bless someone else with the $15, so she saw me today and gave me the $15 to buy a pair of shoes. (the blessing is not in the recieving money or anything, but in the fact that God sees me and He sees my needs and is taking care of me). I'm going to do something to pay it forward.

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