Monday, June 15, 2009


I finished reading the Twilight series and I started reading the Inheritance Cycle's first book Eragon, by Christopher Paolini. I haven't finished reading the book yet, but I'm nearly at the end. I started reading it because I saw the movie Eragon and I loved the idea that Dragons were something to protect rather than slay. As I've been reading, I've been feeling like I had no idea what the story was about or anything that happens even though I saw the movie. I know that movies will leave things out and blend events together, but I started watching the movie online and I got two thirds of the way through it when I realized that the reason I felt like I had no prior knowledge of the book was because in the movie things aren't just left out or blended together, the events of the book have been changed and the changes that were made challenge the explanations given in the book. (Wow, that was quite a run on sentence...) Needless to say I stopped watching the movie because it no longer held any appeal after I started reading the book.

I don't watch the news on television often, but I go online and read things from and the links on the comcast homepage and it seems like everyday I read about a death or a murder or some bad event that happened. It bothers me. What can I do?

Aside from that, I've got a few things that I'm excited about right now:
1. My cousin Brandy moved back to Indiana.
2. My Grandma May, Aunt Candace, and cousin Rachel are coming to Indiana tomorrow because of the family reunion this weekend. And they'll be here until Amy's wedding, I think.
3. My cousin Amy is getting married on June 28 (yes, that's a Sunday).
4. Project Valpo is coming up. :-)
5. I bought a car. It was $550 and half the things we thought were wrong with it aren't actually wrong with it and don't need to be fixed.

My old roommate Amanda is getting married on June 27th. I thought we were still good friends, but I don't know if I was mistaken because I didn't get an invitation to her wedding. Do I have a right to have hurt feelings? Even if I don't, it did hurt my feelings that I didn't get invited. I'm going to try not to dwell on it though. It wouldn't do me any good.

Also, if you read this and get a chance, pray for my dad. He's in a lot of pain. If you're my friend and want to know a few more details, email me.

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