this. Last night my eye was irritated like I had an eyelash or something in it, so I was rubbing it when I realized that my eyelid was really tender to touch so I went to look in the mirror to see if there was something in my eye and I found a large red, pussy, oozing bump. yep. Check out the picture.

Lovely... huh? And as you can see, my eye is very bloodshot, and you can even see the spot where the puss was oozing out. (and I even cleaned it before I took the picture because it was driving me nuts and itching and hurting)
so... My eyelid is also swollen and puffy, but it's not terrible, I can still see out of it. My vision gets a little blurry when my eye starts to water.
Also right underneath my eye is a little raw and sore because I don't want to touch my eye, but it's like I have a stream of tears so I keep wiping it.
I went to the nurse to see what she recommended (will it go away? or do I need to get to a doctor ASAP?) I have an appointment for tomorrow morning at 10:30 at an eye specialist clinic. I hope it doesnt cost too much money. Bethel's insurance will only cover $80. I'll also probably get an antibiotic.... I dont have the money for this right now.
But God is good and I trust him.
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