I think Fortune is ready for me to sleep. Fortune is my cat. She looks like this:

... for now.
And then there's another cat in the house. His real name is Cheech, but I like to call him Little Heathen Devil Kitty. Here he is: 

As a matter of a fact, I've gotten my entire family to start calling him little heathen devil kitty. Oh, he looks so smug and innocent, but don't let him fool you. He may look innocent, but he is quite the little heathen devil.
Just look what he did to my Bible!!!

That's right. He ripped it up. This was actually the biggest tear, otherwise there are a bunch of smaller rips in the paper where he just clawed it. I couldn't believe it. I set my Bible down for 15 seconds and he went at it.
Or perhaps he was just hungry for the bread of life. hehe.
I'm pretty confident that he's just a little heathen devil kitty though. He likes to attack things that don't move. He likes to attack things that do move even more. He will scratch you up if you don't keep an eye on him. Fortune is having a hard time warming up to him because he keeps attacking her. She tries to mother him and take care of him, but then he wraps his claws around her head, kicks her with his back feet and bites her. She hisses and growls and smacks him, but he does it anyway.
Little Heathen Devil Kitty also seems to think he's a dog. We have 5 dogs and when my dad is giving the dogs treats they all line up in front of my dad and he gives them a bone. Now Cheech is lining up to, my dad gives him a bone, and HE TRIES TO EAT IT!!! He's a very crazy cat.
This next picture is a picture of my fish:

Her name is Madam PoopALot, her lover, Sir PoopALot II died, so she needs a new lover. She's a guppie. And someday when I figure out how, I'm going to have a guppie farm and breed guppies.
This is my pet cactus, his name is Spike.

Spike doesn't cause a lot of trouble around the house. He's usually pretty quiet and docile as long as you don't try to pet him.
You know what? I love the quiet moments in life. Those little moments when I feel a little bored.... because it's at that time when I can do what I truly wish to be doing without worrying about the consequence of not doing what I should be doing. I don't know if that makes any sense to you. I'm not usually bored unless I don't have anything that I need to be accomplishing.
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