Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I am feeling rather restless, perhaps even anxious. I'm not one huyndred percent sure why. It kept me up a few nights ago. I guess I've been thinking a lot about taking my driving test, whether Camfel Productions will accept me to be a part of their team (and whether their insurance will accept a new driver), the porter county fair, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Just thinking about it right now is making me feel restless. I'm excited for the future, but sometimes it seems to take so long to get here. I mean, I'm only talking about things going on this month, but wow.

My plants are doing well, I put the peppers in the ground today. one tomato plant has sprouted so as soon as it gets a little bigger I'll put it in the ground too. I've been trying to keep the grape vine well watered so it will produce grapeds, but I wonder if it's going to have to vine out this summer before it will start producing grapes. I'll have to tell Dad not to cut it down this year (like he has for the past 3 years. He originally cut it down because it never produced grapes, but then it just came back again, and it has every year since he planted it, so I told him I would see what I could do with it this year) .

I'm learning how to play In Christ Alone on my guitar. I think I need a guitar with a smaller body. Well, I feel the need to get up and move, so I'm out.

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