Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm done! I'm done! I'm done!

Finally! The semester is over and I couldn't be happier. My grades aren't all I hoped they would be, but considering how crazy this semester was, it's okay. I am really proud of my grade for Effective Teaching in Youth Ministry. It was an A-. yay. I was so sure I was going to get like a C or something, but I got an A- and it made me so happy. Especially since I didn't do very well on my last two messages. I'm still waiting for two more of my grades to come in and then I'll see how I really did this semester.
So now I am at home and I'm going to enjoy a good 3 week vacation before I go back to school and start a new semester. I'm only taking 14 credit hours this semester (I may add another class before the beginning of the semester).

I am free... and I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself.

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