Monday, October 27, 2008

Just for fun

Greivancees of a chapel attendance taker:

  1. If one of the double doors is locked, try the other one before you knock.
  2. If the other door won't open, don't pull, try turning the handle. That's how doors open.
  3. You should have your card out and ready to go before you get to me. Don't hold up the line because you're looking for your card.
  4. If you don't have your card, tell me you don't have your card and THEN say your number. Don't just walk up to me and start spouting your number.
  5. If you do walk up to me and start spouting your number, don't get mad when I ask you to repeat it.
  6. Don't move your card or think that you know how to make it scan. You don't, I do, end of story, let me do my thing.
  7. If your card takes a long time to scan, it's probably your fault for doing grievance number 6, so don't get mad at me.
  8. Once you scan your card, go all the way into the chapel and find a seat. Don't stand in the doorway
  9. We're not supid, we do suspect when you are pulling a Chapel skip scam, and we will tell our boss. Have a little integrity.
  10. Use common sense. It's not that hard to figure these things out.

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