Saturday, December 20, 2008


Well... baby mice, within a few hours after birth.
(click picture and it should enlarge)
Amazing. They were born sometime between 8am and 11am yesterday. There are nine of them, but my mouse or her babies may have squished the runt. I'm not sure, You probably can't see it in this picture, but there is one that is laying under the rest and is a purple color and it wasn't moving. I'm not going to mess with it, but I'll take more pictures in about a week. I don't want to bother them too much or the mommy might kill them.
I had to separate the daddy from mommy or he could get the mommy pregrant again right away. the Daddy seems lonely in his own cage. Mice are social creatures. I feel bad for him, but the mommy mouse needs a break from him. Male mice are supposed to be good daddies and will take an active role in raising the babies (if they recognize them as theirs) but too many pregnancies is hard on female mice, especially when they're back to back. What to do...

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