Thursday, September 4, 2008

To be or not to be... a Disciple?

For many people in the church, as for the young sailor, Vincent's vexation over the discipleship words of Jesus expresses the dilemma clearly. To illustrate this dilemma, when I teach or speak on discipleship in classes or churches or conferences, I regularly ask this question: "How many of you can say, in the humble confidence of your heart, that you are convinced that you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ? Please raise your hand." People are visibly confusesd as they attempt to answer the question. Most do not put their hand up at all, some do so hesitantly, some put it up then take it down, others put it up half way.
Then I ask another question: "How many of you can say, in the humble confidence of your heart, that you are convinced that you are a true Christian? Please raise your hand." Immediately most hands shoot up- no hesitation, no doubt! (Following the Master, Michael J. Wilkins, pg 25)

What does it mean to be a disciple?
Is being a disciple necessary for Salvation?
Can a person be a true Christian, but not a disciple?
Can a person be a disciple, but not be discipled?
How does discipleship fit in into the passage in Matthew 10:37-39?
And what of the great commission... the call to make disciples of all nations?

What do you think?

I don't know about anyone else, but I have a hard time separating 'Christian' and 'Disciple'. I'm not sure that they're even two different things, yet a lot of people seem to want to separate them and define them differently.

I can't.

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