Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Today I met Suzie. I walked past her house and she was outside tending her garden and I told her that everytime I walk past her house, I feel like I'm walking past an oasis. So she started talking with me and I found out that she is a Sunday School teacher at Immanuel Lutheran Church. I told her my grandma used to go there and she asked me my grandma's name. When I told her she said "wow, it's such a small world". She knows my grandma, and she knows who my mom and all of my aunts are. :-)

So my cousins daughter Shawna is developing a knack for bluntness. Today she walked in my room while I was changing my clothes so I could take her and Taylor to park. She looks at me and says "You're big Amanda". OMG. So when I finished getting dressed I said "Okay, let's go get Taylor and say bye to mom" so we went into the living room where Shawna points at my stomach and tells my cousin and my mom "theres a baby in Amanda's stomach". After getting a good laugh they explain to Shawna that I'm not pregnant, that some people are just big like that. Shawna is silent for a moment, then she says "I want to be big like Amanda" Haha, the joys of 3 year olds.

... I want a baby. Hmm... but I need a husband first. Darn those pesky details. LOL

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