Monday, April 20, 2009

Beauty and Advertisements

You're too fat and that makes you look old. Apparently old means ugly. You need slimming tablets...

As if not having white enough teeth wasn't already a we have even less of a reason to smile.

Because you're not good enough the way you are already...

They try to tell us whether we are beautiful or not.

And if we're not, they have tons of beauty tips and plastic surgery is always available.

And if beauty tips and cosmetic surgery doesn't fix you, you can always turn to the websites that give you tips on being anorexic.


Heather said...

Hi Amanda! Thanks for leaving your comment. By constantly changing fashions and beauty standards, we'll keep spending our money. The formula is to make it a near impossible beauty standard.

Case in point: models 25 years ago weighed 6% less than the average woman. Today it's 26% less than the average woman. Can we get any skinner? Nope 90-95% of dieters fail. So who's making the money.

Heather said...

Hi! I'm back. I enjoyed your post so much I decided to blog about it. Of course, I linked back to you. Feel free to drop by any time. Heather