Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Work and Study

The autistic boy I work with was coming down the hall to get math help and it sounded like he was running. When he got into the classroom, I asked him if he was running and he said "No, I was speedwalking." The substitute teacher almost choked on her drink.

During the last class of the day, I was trying to tell the same autistic boy that he needed to read silently and another boy speaks up saying "You're just a recess aid, we don't have to listen to you." I told him, first of all, I'm not a recess aid, second I have the authority to send you to the principals office just as much as your teacher does, and third, you need to respect the authority of a recess aid just as much as your teacher.
When I got back to my classroom, I told a fellow teachers aid what happened and she was livid. She marched to the classroom, told me to point out the kid, called the teacher over, had me tell the teacher what happened. Then the teacher ripped into the kid about respecting adults and made him apologize.
I have mixed emotions. I feel grateful for the defence of the other teachers and teachers aids, but I also feel like I proved the kids point by "tattling" on him to his teacher.

I've also been studying the book of Phillippians and I have been noticing that Paul encourages the Philippians to rejoice several times. In Chapter two he even urges them to rejoice. It must be important that they rejoice. The question I've been asking is 'Why?', but now I'm even asking again what it means to rejoice.

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