Tuesday, April 5, 2011

When the time is right...

So I did some self reflecting today and I realized something. Well, what happened was my cousin Brandy got stuck at home and needed a ride to work, so I came to her rescue. While driving her to work, she and I talked about different things, went to lunch at KFC, and then right before she went to work, we walked in front of an empty storefront and started making up a story about how we would rent the space and live there with our lives on display for the rest of the town to come and watch us live our lives like some sort of reality show and we would become rich and famous.
Then after I left she sent me a text message and our conversation went something like this:

Brandy: Come back and we'll just run away together
Me: Okay, I'm on my way
Brandy: LMAO hurry
Me: LOL, I wish
Brandy: ur really not coming?/
Me: No
Me: Sorry
Brandy: aww ur makin me sad
Me: Such is life
Brandy: i guess, when u dont love me no more
Me: Keep the dream alive, it will happen someday, the timing just isn't right now
Brandy: u should move to missouri with me
Me: when the time is right...

The conversation ended at that point and it kind of got me thinking.

First of all, I was happy that in the midst of everything going on in our lives, even if we are just dreaming of an escape, we are still dreaming and that is a good thing. I think it means that hope still exists in us. And I think it's when we lose hope that we really begin to lose something vital to our lives, so I am estactic that we still have hopes and dreams. The second thing I realized is that timing is so crucial and vital. I wonder, even if timing is everything (like the old saying goes). I've been trying to make a decision on what to do with having a second job now.  Do I live at home a little longer and pay off bills quickly or do I get an apartment of my own and be out of my families house now.   I've realized that either way, both are going to happen.  I'm going to pay off bills, and I'm going to move out someday.  It's just a matter of when... of when the timing is right.

I don't know when the time is right... I don't know what the right timing for anything is right now, but I gotta tell you, I feel more at peace with the decisions I have to make when I think about God's timing and how I want to follow His timing for my life.  I mean, this is more than just the moving out thing.  Between ideals of marriage, of finishing college, having children and starting a family, working a full time job that I enjoy and moving up in that same career... moving out of my parents house... All of these things and more are thing that I may want now or feel impatient about, but they will come.... All in time. All in God's time. I don't know how to explain it any further than that. I just feel better thinking about how the time has to be right.

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