Thursday, September 3, 2009

Life is a learning Experience

Well, I'm travelling through Oregon today and tomorrow. Oregon is a very pretty state and I've gotten to take some pretty pictures.

I think working with Camfel is one of the greatest things I will experience in life. I've been learning a lot about many different things.

Here are a few of the things I have been learning since I've been with Camfel:

1. On a California freeway, driving 5 miles per hour over the speed limit means you need to drive in the slow lane. Yes, You read that correctly....
2. California Cows are not happy cows (refer to previous blogpost).
3. It rains bugs in Oregon, and using your windshield wipers does not clean the windows, it just smears the bug guts (greatly reducing visibility).
4. Gas stations don't like it if you try to pump your own gas in Oregon.
5. I have some of the greatest friends and family that anyone could ever have.
6. I can do more and I am capable of more than I thought I was.
7. I can read in a car, but if I try to write, I will get car sick.
8. God is still giving me amazing opportunities to shine His light and I desperately want to be used.
9. God always responds to prayers for protection and to be taken deeper with Him, but sometimes the answers to those prayers produce situations that aren't always pleasant.
10. God's love is so much deeper and wider and higher and stronger and so much more profound than I could ever imagine.
11. I feel like I'm living the Barbarian Way (a book by Erwin McManus :-) )
12. I'm spoiled to be a part of Life Bridge Christian Church.

And finally... for the time being (since it's getting late)
13. I have never felt more like I was in God's will than I do at this very moment. I believe very strongly that He has me working here with Camfel for a reason. I don't fully know what that reason is, how long I'm going to stay, or where this experience will take me. But I know this is where I am supposed to be right now.
Anyway, I hope we get to do a show in Portland, Oregon sometime this semester (we're just passing through Oregon right now, no shows) because the Imago Dei Community is in Portland (The church Rick McKinley is pastor for)

Rick McKinley authored a book called This Beautiful Mess, it's a truly beautiful look at God's Kingdom on Earth.

Well, it's late, I'm sleepy.

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