Monday, September 17, 2007

College life makes me emotional because I lack the discipline to get adequate rest, eat healthy, and exercise enough... That among other things. I don't like being that way. I like to be a pleasant person to be around, and I don't want to cause trouble for anyone else.
So, I'm definitely doing laundry right now. That's right. It's after midnight. I should be in bed, sleeping.. getting rest. I don't have a class until 11am, but I would like to go to the computer lab and get my assignment done for Effective Teaching in Youth Ministry. I have to study a passage where Jesus is interacting with people, not like he's teaching large crowds, but like one on one interaction or something like it. I have to study it inductively, then I have to make a powerpoint presentation out of it and get it emailed to Brandt like 2 hours before class. AHHHH.
I'm just slightly overwhelmed. You know what? When I was going to bed early and getting up early, I accomplished so much more that I have been lately. What happened???

You know what. I'm tired of complaining. Let me tell you about all the good things in life. I got the opportunity to talk to my grandma for a little while the other day. She called me and we had a nice conversation and I told her about school and everything that's going on. It was nice. I love my grandma. I also talked with my mom on the phone. My family isn't doing too bad... well, nothing is too terribly different from what's normal, if that means anything to anyone, so life is definitely not worse. And to me, that's really good.
Also, I'm a part of a website; and I have the free membership and I logged on yesterday to add another poem to be reviewed and I found that someone had anonymously bought me a three month upgraded membership. Yay! How cool is that?
I've also had some opportunities to bond with my roommates. which is always nice.
Well,that's about all for tonight. I'm going to work on my assignment while I wait for my laundry to finish.


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