Saturday, September 8, 2007

My Spirit is heavy.

Okay, so I am just not having the best day today. It started out fine, but it's just becoming a pain. I went to bed at midnight last night and I slept until about 10:30 today. I must have been exhausted. Naomi called me on my phone and I couldn't hear a thing, so she called on the house phone. She and I, and Naomi J and Katie all went and worked out today. It was a good work out and I felt really good afterwards. We relaxed for a few minutes, then went to the DC for Brunch. After Brunch I went to work for a few hours to do Student Calling. I have 10 hours of work this week, so hopefully that, alongside Chapel Attendance will put a few dollars into my pocket when I get paid. I could really use the money.
Okay, so up to this point, everything is going pretty good, nothing really horrible. Actually, nothing really horrible today has really happened at all, I'm just unhappy. I'm unhappy because my phone is broken beyond use now. And also because money is always an issue for me. I never have it. And I could really use it. I won't go so far as to say I need it because technically, I don't really need a cellphone at all, let alone a new one that will actually work for me. There are lots of things that I don't need. There are a lot of things I should just rely on God for.
*sigh* I wonder why some people are blessed with riches, others are blessed with comfortable, though meager, living, and my family, well... I suppose we have just enough for the day, which is more than the majority of the people on earth have, so I know I'm not bad off. Just wishing for something better. I didn't have a job all summer and I could've really used one.
I had a bad dream last night. I dreamt that I was in the backseat of a car and my parents were in the front seat driving, all of our stuff was packed up to move. I don't know where my brothers were. My parents were in the front seat and they were really depressed, so depressed infact, that they talked about driving into the lake and just ending it, everything. I was in the back seat crying and telling them not to do it, but they drove into the lake anyway. It was strange though because we didn't sink to the bottom of the lake. We floated on the top to the other side and drove out of the water. This dream repeated a few times before I actually woke up. I was sobbing, and I guess my heart has been a little heavy all day. I want to talk to my mom, but I have no way of contacting her at the moment. Well, I'm going to shower so I can go to prayer watch withouth stinking.


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