Sunday, September 2, 2007

Thank God for 3 day weekends!

I am so glad that we have a three day weekend this week. I don't know how I would survive if I had to be ready to start classes again tomorrow. But I suppose this coming week will shove me back into the college routine.
Speaking of routine, I've been going to bed between 11 and 12 and getting up between 7 and 8. It's so weird considering the sleeping patterns I had this summer. I tried to have good sleeping patterns, but I guess it just didn't want to kick in until now. The great thing, though, is that I have had the chance to get up each morning and have a devotional study and pray. Pretty soon I will probably add homework to that.
I've decided not to try to get a job on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those will be good days to get my homework done. Especially if I get a part in the play. That's right. I'm trying out for Bethel's production of Pride and Prejudice. They had monologues for us to prepare with and I'm practicing the monologue for the part of Mrs. Bennet. At first I didn't know which one I wanted to try for, but Naomi and Sonia think that will be the best part for me. Then they instructed me on how I can do the voice of Mrs. Bennet and got a really good laugh at me. Tonight Naomi helped me to own the character a little bit and also to memorize the monologue. It's not perfect, but it's getting there. My audition is Tuesday at 9:45 pm. I can't wait. Well, I can, but I kind of want to get it done because if I can do this, it will be my first time acting in a Bethel production and I really want to do it. Pray for me. Pray that I will do my best. Pray that God's will be done even if it means I won't have a part at all. I've been wanting to be in a Bethel production since I came here. Maybe this is the year for it. I hope so. I would love to be able to call my mom and surprise her with this. Then her and dad could come watch the performance.
So anyway... My homework load isn't terrible, but my World Civ homework is really getting to me. It's those danged maps. Thank God I don't have to turn it in until Wednesday. I still need to get some colored pencils. Tonight I will do it in high lighter like Nora suggested and hopefully that will be acceptable to him.
Well, I'd like to try to get all my homework done tonight, and maybe get a little extra done, so this is goodnight.


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