Thursday, August 6, 2009

And so starts my first grand adventure. As i'm sitting on the bus waiting to leave i have a sense of feeling like i can't believe i'm doing this. Before now it has been fairly interesting, but not much has required both me and my family to put myself completely in God's hands. My friends Christine, Doug, and Rachel accompanied me to the greyhound station in chicago. We got here 2 hours early so we walked around a little and got shakes from Jamba juice. just before we got back to the car to get my luggage i looked down in the parking lot and when i looked up again i smacked my head into some construction equipment that was sticking out the back of a truck. I got a nice little cut between my eyes. Thus my first great story to tell about my adventures. Lol! I'm fine, though. The bus ended up being an hour and a half late so i sat down and started singing disney songs :) i think that embarrassed Rachel a little. and so here i am now. Worst case scenario is that there is a bomb on the bus and we cant go less than 50 miles an hour or we will explode, haha. it's going to be a long trip and i'll update as often as i feel its necessary. I'll also take pictures. I still can't believe i'm doing this.

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