Sunday, August 2, 2009

I worked at the fair this week. I've recieved minor sunburn three times, and I wore sunscreen. But I guess you should reapply sunscreen every six hours. I usually forget to do that. I may end up with some nice bronze skin, but I can't help but wonder what kind of damage the sun has done this week.

I also have small itchy bumps in a few random spots. I found a spider crawing on me twice today. I hope if they're spider bites, they're not serious.

I was hired by Camfel Productions, and now I'm waiting on a way to get to California for training. I'm really excited about the job, and for the ministry I will be able to do and the places I will go. My parents are excited for me too.

I'll have to write more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the fair!!