Friday, August 7, 2009

What an adventure! So we left an hour and a half late yesterday and the bus driver skipped the rest stops to help us catch up on time. we switched drivers in St. Louis, and he did the same thing. so there have been some hungry and cranky people on the bus. One lady was thirsty but the vending machinings were out of order so i have her a bottle of water from my lunches. And then I saw a family with small children and the kids were hungry so i have them i bunch of fruit snacks. when we stopped in Kansas to switch drivers (just after 4am)our driver ditched us and we were stuck for another hour and a half until the new driver showed up. We were at a gas station in the middle of nowhere! Other greyhound buses had stopped so some people got off the bus to see if anyone knew what was going on or if anyone could help us and one of the other driver said "You're SOL"our new driver eventually showed up and we finally got moving again at about five thirty. Now i'm in colorado on my way to denver and i learned recently that i an going to have to switch buses when we get to denver. Yep it's been quite an adventure so far...

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