Monday, July 14, 2008

to see through Kingdom lenses...

Well, I suppose it is officially Monday July 14... you know what that means? Today is my dad's birthday. I wish I had something for him.

July has been a bit of a rough month so far... financially we are not doing well at all, and everyone has pretty much had empty stomachs for the past few days. I think mom has decided against going to the food pantry. I know she hates going there because she feels like a beggar. I don't blame her, it's hard to tell people you're in need, especially when everyone around you is having their own struggles. It is sad though that we're so individualistic.

After everyone left Amped tonight I sat in the grass by the parking lot and read through Matthew 6:25-34 (the do not worry passage) because I felt like I needed to remind myself. We are precious to God, he knows what we need and he will take care of us.

I feel that I am beginning to really view Scripture through the Kingdom lenses because I feel like I'm seeing things that I've never seen before, not that they weren't there, just that I didn't understand them in the same way. For example, Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well. This passage is talking about not worrying about things like where your basic needs are coming from, and it goes on to say, seek first his kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well. I have to laugh because, well, compare it with Acts 4:32-35; the fellowship of the believers... the kingdom lived out. All believers were together sharing everything they had, and none of them were in need because they were all taking care of one another!!! Do you see the connection? Jesus says Don't worry, seek the kingdom... as the kingdom was lived out, there was no one who had need. Wow.



I can't wait until i can call Stephanie Joy and tell her what I've realized. She'll be so excited (even if she's already seen the connection). We've talked before about living in community, pursuing it... That's what the Simple Living Experiment was supposed to be. I loved the community of SLE....I kept thinking about it as I read through Irresistible Revolution.

Ick, I'm pushing my limits by being awake still. I'm going to bed.

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