Monday, August 27, 2007

Returning to Bethel... tomorrow

Well, I have to admit that these past two weeks have just flown by. I was so afraid that they would go unbearably slow... actually I don't know if I'm really ready to go back. I mean I know I am, but I'm not sure that parts of me are ready. Know what I mean?
Last night was such a special night for me. It was my last night at Amped for a little while. During Amped Josh gave me a card that everyone had signed (or tried to, apparently I kept coming around when some of the people were trying to sign it). It was a good surprise. I probably got 3 or 4 hugs from each person. BL (the guy who sniffed me earlier in the year) gave me a hug and hung on telling me not to leave. He cracks me up. He is... eccentric? I don't know. I love all of the students at Amped. Some of them have become really good friends of mine. After Amped ended a bunch of us walked over to Pat's IceCream Parlor, and Josh treated me to ice cream. Needless to say, I got a huge ego boost last night. My heart wanted to cry with joy when I got home.
I've spent the good part of this morning trying to simplify my packing. I don't want to bring a whole bunch of stuff, but it seems like my stuff just keeps piling up. So I finally decided to take a break and check my email and facebook, and blog a little. I got an email back from Dr. Linhart. It's totally possible to do the Youth Ministry degree!!!! They'll work through any problems that might arise from the Saturday Seminars. (and only five are needed, instead of 7, when I take the new catalog, yeah!) Guess what world! I'm changing my major! I am thrilled. Josh also told me to let him know if my school has me do internships, and I assured him that they do, and I need one.
Anyway, that's everything important for the time being.

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