Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Day 2 at the Fair

First of all, the families main computer got a virus and died. So I'm using my brothers computer. The key board is much easier to use because the 'e' key doesn't stick, and both shift keys work. I wish I could just use my own computer. I have a laptop, so it would be convenient to be able to take it anywhere in the house that I wish, but sadly I can't use it for two reasons. First, it's plug broke... second it only takes wireless internet access so I can't even hook it up to the internet here anyway. I'll be able to use it when I go back to Bethel... that is once my dad fixes my wire for me, but until then, Im just glad my brother is nice enough to allow me to use his computer.
Well, day two at the fair wasn't actually a bad day. I showed up a few minutes late, but things like that happen sometimes. I guess it sort of offsets me showing up an hour early the first day, haha. Other people were already there working, and they made my job so incredibly easy. It was almost ridiculous, but really, it was great! So I just counted out the blue and green bottomed suckers and calculated how many we could put out each hour. I had help all day, except for two hours out of the day. It was then, go figure, at the beginning of those two hours that I had to use the bathroom. Truly, my life is a comedy; but I wouldn't have it any other way.
One of the people who had volunteered, Sarah, asked me who my dad was, so I told her and she was like, "I thought so" It turns out that she knew my parents. Cool. We also got to talk about about Life Bridge and she asked me why I wasn't on the worship team. I said that I figured that if anyone wanted me on the team they would invite me. She considers asking why I'm not to be an invitation. Then she said I was hiding my light under a bowl. Ouch. I don't know if I'm going to try to get on the team, but she gave me a stab of conviction.
Later in the day we started running out of glowsticks. Again. I seriously need to calculate how many glowsticks to give away per hour because I'm not liking this problem. We also discovered that we had way too many suckers for the water bottle prize and not nearly enough waterbottles. I don't understand what I am doing wrong. Toward the later hours of the evening, a person who was not on my list to volunteer came in. He was the guy that helps Josh out at Amped and he did a great job making me feel like a horrible person. When he realized we were running out of prizes he got angry. I tried to tell him that we only had like 5 beanie baby/coloring books suckers and like 22 water bottle suckers and he basically called me a liar saying that no, I'm supposed to get a certain number of suckers for each prize for the day. Then he accused us all of giving away the wrong prizes, ran to the store, and bought more water bottles. When he came back I felt like he was monitering the place as though he expected things wouldn't run fine without him there.
Later I made the comment that I was really tired and he said, 'Then go home', and I told him that I needed to stay and close up the tent when we were done, he said he would do it, so I let him and I went home an hour early. The last hour or so at the Fair wasn't as much fun as the first 9 hours. Everyone had their days though. I just have to remember to extend him grace for those moments and not be fearful or bitter towards him. I'm still looking forward to Friday, though. I have one more chance for everything to go smoothly. And Christine might come visit me.


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