Saturday, July 21, 2007

I was looking for Harry Potter spoilers. I will give none away, but the ones I've found so far from the supposed unreleased copy were far more exciting than the other possible spoilers I found. I still need to read the sixth book, but from what I gathered, as much as Harry Potter fans don't want him to, I think it makes the most sense that he would die in the end, specifically that he and Voldemort kill eachother in the 'final battle'. But that's just my opinion. I'm eager to read whatever Rowling decided to do with Harry.

Anyway, yesterday I had my first day running the booth at the fair, and I know that God had to have been with me through out that entire thing. Heres why:
First of all, my dad thought there was going to be a lot of traffic going in and out, so we left early and I ended up getting there and hour early. No big deal, I helped Tammy set up and she showed me everything I needed to do. During the day I was alone for a little while then Roy, (my families landlord who goes to the church, too) showed up and... well, he's an old man, and I did not enjoy his company. He kept giving away the big prizes without people having pulled a prize winning sucker. Glowsticks were fine to give away, but he was ridiculous giving away the beanie babies and coloring books. Aside from that he kept making sexual and lewd comments about people walking by, and he actually grabbed a young girl by the wrist. I think he was scaring people. I prayed that God would make him leave
.For a little while, while he was there, the person who had signed up to be there for a three hour time slot showed up, but then only stayed for one hour. I spent some time explaining to her what we were doing and where things were and the rest of the time she talked on her cell phone. Then she left to go get a drink and came back with a lemonade for me and then left. Pete's wife Traci also came by during that time and asked how things were going, so I told her about Roy giving away the prizes, but that was all I told her. I still may tell her what else he was doing. So Traci gave me her cell number and then had to go back to her daughters dog show.
After Roy finally left I was all by myself, since the other person who was supposed to be there stayed only an hour. The two people who were supposed to show up at 2pm never did.
At five BL and Bobby showed up, so I showed them were everything was, told them what to do and made a quick trip to the bathroom. Tabby didn't show up until much later. Becca came by when she could. And Josh also stopped by to see how things were going before he worked the trolley. Before I knew it, 4 teens turned into 8 really hyper teens who weren't really being very helpful, except for BL. I had to keep getting on their cases about keeping the table clean and trash picked up and maintaining the image LifeBridge was trying to get across. They were just too hyper.
When Josh came back after working the trolley, he wasn't very helpful in keeping the teens in control, and he left to go home before too much time had passed, which was okay because he hadn't been signed up to help, so I didn't expect him to come at all. He left his phone number with me so I could call if I needed anything. I opted not to call, I already feel like just another kid in his youth group, I don't want Josh to think I can't handle anything or that I need him in anyway.
At, I think it was 8:30 (at night) , I finally went to eat for the first time that day, but I brought my food back to the tent because I felt like I had to continually supervise everything that was going on. Then there was a problem with us running out of glowsticks too quickly. I called Tammy and she stopped by and I talked with her about what was going on and she asked if Josh had been helpful when he stopped by. I told her that he did well at drawing people in and she asked about him controlling the teens and then I was like no, not really. So she said next year they would have to have another, separate training session for the volunteers who are helping in the booth but aren't booth leaders. Then she went and talked with the teens and they settled down a little and were a bit more enjoyable to have around, and a bit more helpful, but at 10pm I was still ready for them to leave so I could start shutting everything down. I started closing up the tent at 10pm, I asked BL to help since he was tall, and the most helpful.
By 11 everyone had finally left, I had cleaned up, put everything in the tent, hid the prizes so if anyone got in the tent they wouldn't see them, and left. I called Eric and Emily so we could go home, but then we walked around the fair for another 40 mintues. By the time I got home it was almost midnight. I spent almost 13 hours at the fair.
And when I got home, yesterday had seemed like a fairly good day. See why I say God had to have been with me? Looking back I'm surprised that I kept my cool.

But I suppose I can't tell about all that bad without mentioning the good.
Well, BL *was* helpful, and it was nice to not be alone.
Angi, a woman at church who I suspect has a partial mental handicap showed up to help for a few hours and I got to talk with her and learn some nice things about her. She's a wonderful person.
I got the opportunity to talk with some people about LifeBridge and they might show up. I don't expect them to, but it would be exciting to see them this sunday.
My brother Eric also came by the booth and gave me $20 for the next few days that I was there.

Well, thats all for the time being. I'll probably update on Monday, or Sunday if they're not having Amped.


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