Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It's 2008. Wow, it's here. I've had no particular reason to be thrilled about it's coming, but it's exciting anyway.

I guess I've always felt the symbolism of new years. The old has gone. Gone are the mistakes and regrets. Gone are the worries and frustrations of 2007. They're in the past. They don't matter anymore. Something new is coming. We have a fresh start, a whole new year of adventures and opportunities.

Even if we can't leave our physical situations behind, we can still choose how we will react to our stations in life. I've heard that life is 10 percent situation and 90 percent how we react to it. Even if we face the worst of trials this year, we can still end the year saying that we lived life to the fullest and experienced true joy.

Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but I feel really good about 2008. I believe it's going to be a good year and I am excited for lies ahead.

If you don't feel it just look outside your window (or my window, I guess). There is a fresh blanket of snow covering the ground and more continues to fall. As I look outside my window, I feel like I'm watching God paint a picture.

The snow is still fresh and beautiful, untouched... it's peaceful.

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