Saturday, January 5, 2008

Water is amazing!!!

Did you know that are bodies are between 60 and 70 percent water? I'm sure I heard it in one of my biology classes in high school, but it still surprised me when I read it. Check this out, this is the break down that I found:

  • Blood is 83 percent water

  • muscles are 75 percent water

  • the brain is 74 percent water

  • bone is 22 percent water

It's no wonder that the human body can't survive more than three days with out water. Mild dehydration can cause you to be thirsty, lose your appetite, give you dry skin, dry mouth, fatigue, chills, and head rushes, and that's only at about 2 percent dehydration. At 5 percent dehydration, a person may have increased heart rate and respiration, decreased sweating and urination, an increase in body temperature, muscle aches, headaches, nausea, tingling in the limbs and extreme fatigue. 5 percent!

At 10 percent dehydration a person may start having muscle spasms, seizures difficulty breathing, chest and abdominal pain, and painful urination. They may experience confusion, begin vomiting, and have trouble seeing clearly; their skin may shrivel and their pulse race and finally they lose consciousness. At 10 percent dehydration!!!

I think it's amazing that only 10 percent dehydration is enough to require a person to seek medical help immediately. The average person loses between 2 and 3 litres of water per day through urination, sweating, breathing, but that number goes up to about 2 litres an hour when a person is involved in rigorous physical activity such as sports and heavy exercises.

The sad thing is dehydration is completely avoidable if you just drink enough water. North Americans have the cleanest water in the world, there is no reason why we can't drink more of it. People think that in order to stay hydrated they'll just drink their coffee, tea, soda, energy drink, but those drinks do more to dehydrate than they do to hydrate the body.

Drinking water is not just essential to live, it also has many incredible benefits. For example: Drinking water improves your energy. Look at it scientifically, with as much as our bodies are made up of water, that water gets used to help each element work effeciently. When the body is fully hydrated with water it doesn't have to expend more energy to make up for what the presense of water does naturally. Wow. So with this is mind it's not hard to believe that water also enhances mental and physical performance.

Water also helps with digestion and move waste product through your system because water naturally flushes toxins out of your system. Yippee!! Furthermore, because the toxins are flushed and because it helps our bodies be able to do it's work easier, we are less likely to get sick.

Do you suffer from acne? Water helps keep your skin healthy and glowing. In other words, it helps clean up impurities. Water also helps you maintain a steady body temperature (goodbye hotflashes!) and it lubricates our joints (goodbye arthritis!).

Check this out, if you suffer from a headache, it could be because you're just not hydrated enough. Before popping a painkiller begin sipping water. Remember, the brain is 74 percent water! But it doesn't just help with headaches, it also helps with menstrual cramps- more water in your blood makes your blood thinner which helps it to flow easier, so when your uterus is shedding it's lining it's not as painful. (I think I also read somewhere that it helps keep your regular).

Also sometimes people retain water, whether it's period related or not isn't the issue, and their ankles swell or they become bloated. What they do it take medicine to rid themselves of the water. Instead of ridding themselves of water, they should drink more. When the body retains water, it is doing so because the body is not hydrated enough that it feels like it can let the water go. Makes sense to me.

And this next one is absolutely amazing. Water aids in WEIGHT LOSS!!! It makes so much sense. Water improves digestion, it improves energy, and it also improves metabolism (yay!) and all these things are pretty important for weight loss.

Water is amazing. I think I will definitely be trying to work drinking more water into my diet. I'll probably have to pee a lot more, but check this, if I increase the amount of water I drink in a few weeks times my body will adjust so that I don't use the bathroom so much because it will take the water I drink and use it where it is needed.

Yes, Water is truly amazing.

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